Whatever Happened To Nicole Brown Simpson's House? . A decade after the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, the co...

875 S Bundy Dr Los Angeles Ca 90049 875 S Bundy Dr Los Angeles Ca 90049

875 S Bundy Dr Los Angeles Ca 90049

875 S Bundy Dr Los Angeles Ca 90049

Whatever Happened To Nicole Brown Simpson's House?. A decade after the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, the condo had gotten a new address, going from 875 S. Bundy Drive to 879 S. Bundy Drive, and also got a new owner, who paid $1.7 million for the.

Whatever Happened To Nicole Brown Simpson's House?
Whatever Happened To Nicole Brown Simpson's House? from i0.wp.com

For those wondering about the Nicole Brown Simpson house address, her townhome is located at 879 S Bundy Drive, Los Angeles, California 90049. The house number.